Suggestions and an unprepared mind

We get a chance always to talk to our loving ones when they do mistakes and help them do things in a right way. But more often this was misunderstood by them. I have even experienced same situation in my life. I use to think why this happen. But the cosmos always was there to help me.

The answer for the riddle came to me while I was surfing a book ridiculously for something else. I am presenting here as it is

  • Firstly, you cannot teach to those who cannot see a teacher in you.
  • Secondly, though feedbacks are given to improve a person, they often perceive it as ‘you are pointing at their mistakes’. The true intention behind the feedback is to tell the person ‘where and how they can become better’; but always they perceive it as you are telling them ‘where they were wrong’.
  • Thirdly, most of the communication gaps occur because we communicate to an unprepared mind.